Sunday, December 6, 2009

Long Time No See

Um so I remember saying how I was going to blog every day and entertain the 5 people who might read my blog, I counted my mom twice, but as you can see that didn't happen. For some reason I decided to blog today, maybe out of pure boredom, maybe because the LSAT as driven me to do things I would otherwise not do, but here I am. Well I woke up this morning to snow, not happy. Not trying to be a Grinch but snow in Provo stinks, especially because of the lack of driving skills that this town already possesses in normal weather. So on the way to church I witnessed two accidents, one in a parking lot! A parking lot people, come on! Someone quick get me in the Christmas spirit because feel like Scrooge. What I should have said is I hope they are alright. Thus begins true winter in Provo.

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