Monday, December 14, 2009

Finals, Stop Freaking Out!!!

So by popular request, you know who you are, I am posting for the second time this week, a new personal best. My previous best was 3 months, so I'm feeling pretty good about myself right about now. So it's finals week and I have my last two tomorrow, and wouldn't you guess it, I'm doing whatever I can to not study. Not saying that I haven't studied today, Mom stay calm, but I find myself at this time finding things to do right now to prolong my study break. That must be why I am typing this as we speak. Earlier today I had a couple of exams, and during them I couldn't help but look around and get a laugh at the other people in my class. In my first class I noticed a girl who seemed to look up at the clock every two minutes. Now I don't know about you, but it's kinda freaky to have a girl give you the stink eye every couple of minutes for over two hours just because your head just so happens to be in the way of her view of the clock. After the first couple of glances, she started trying some Reggie Bush moves to fake me out so she could see the clock. I wasn't falling for it, I definitely played a solid D on her, maybe that's why she started giving the look of death 20 minutes in. Mid way through my teacher announced that we could take a bathroom break at any time and all of a sudden this kid got up and sprinted for the door. He must have really had to go or he really needed some answers, at any rate I laughed at him, I think I even pointed at him while laughing. During my second exam, the guy next to me was perspiring profusely, as if he was defusing a bomb or something. I guess he had a lot riding on that 200 level history class. He also was writing like a machine which led me to believe he had one too many red bulls before arriving, or maybe it was speed. There was also a girl who finished like an hour early. As she walked up to drop her test off, she approached the front table slowly as if she wanted to be seen by all in the class that she finished early. When she placed her test on the table, she looked around the room as if the rest of the class was going to give her a round of applause. I almost did, but instead I gave her the dirtiest look possible. I wanted to say "you suck nerd girl" but I somehow kept it in. Sorry that was really mean. Good job girl, way to finish your exam before everyone else. On that note I must get back to studying, more to come tomorrow.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Long Time No See

Um so I remember saying how I was going to blog every day and entertain the 5 people who might read my blog, I counted my mom twice, but as you can see that didn't happen. For some reason I decided to blog today, maybe out of pure boredom, maybe because the LSAT as driven me to do things I would otherwise not do, but here I am. Well I woke up this morning to snow, not happy. Not trying to be a Grinch but snow in Provo stinks, especially because of the lack of driving skills that this town already possesses in normal weather. So on the way to church I witnessed two accidents, one in a parking lot! A parking lot people, come on! Someone quick get me in the Christmas spirit because feel like Scrooge. What I should have said is I hope they are alright. Thus begins true winter in Provo.