- Vote for anyone on American Idol, no matter what Ryan Seacrest said.
- Buy any sort of hot food at 7 Eleven, despite my brother Zach's love of hot dogs and nachos.
- Become a true BYU fan even though I go to the school.
- Join a tribute band no matter how much I liked the original band.
- Watch the movie Brokeback Mountain, despite it being my brother-in-law Curry's favorite movie.
- Text or call any service to receive my horoscope or true love's name.
- Buy a shamwow, snuggie, or anything Billy Mays is pitching, no matter how amazing it appears to be.
- Listen to any songs that I thought were cool in the 5th grade.
- Admit that Barry Bonds knowingly took steroids, say it isn't so Barry.
- Start a blog.
Well as you can see from this list, I have fallen short on a few of these promises (Seacrest convinced me to vote for Anoop, my snuggie is being delivered within 5 to 7 days, I think the Macarena is a great party song, and yes I just started this blog.) I hope that I can hang in there with my other promises, especially number 5, sorry I love Jake and Heath, just not together. Well I hope to be somewhat entertaining in this blog as I give the inner workings of a very complicated mind.